Attendant Bouquet


The perfect accompaniment to the bridal bouquet. Attendant bouquets are what we consider “sisters, not twins” to the bridal: coordinating, but not matching.  All attendant bouquets come with a standard satin ribbon wrap or can be upgraded to trailing silk ribbon. Comes with a vase for hydration and packaged for gentle transport.

Sizing Guide
Posy Bouquet: A petite sized bouquet. A more compact design, a simple "handful" of blooms for attendant or VIP's. Designed in our signature, whimiscal garden-style feel. A variety of larger blooms mixed with more delicate stems for dimension. Approximately 8 -10” in diameter.

Signature Bouquet: A full, romantic bouquet to complement a bridal bouquet but not compete. Layered blooms, designed in our signature garden-style with dimension and whimsy. Approximately 10-12" in diameter.

Item will vary from what is pictured but will be designed cohesively with the rest of the items in your order. As flowers are priced based on their value and not their size, some flexibility is needed with expectations on size of bouquets.