Valentines Rose Dozen


Important Delivery Information

We're unable to accomodate surprise deliveries as a pre-delivery phone call is required the night before the delivery.

An accurate local phone number for the recipient is required to verify the delivery address and arrange a delivery window.

Read our Delivery Policies

Pre-orders are now open. A Valentine's Day classic, done up in our signature Blossom & Vine style.  

Let the roses be the star of the show! Choose from classic brilliant red roses, soft blush pink or sweet pale lavender. We'll arrange a classic garden-style wrapped dozen or vase arrangement (add a vase here) using premium lush roses, complimentary foliage and a touch of delicate filler to compliment. Please note, stem lengths are relative the proportion of the overall arrangement and are not left excessively long as is traditional with more dated style designs.

Add a specialty card or candle to your order through our Valentine's Gift Collection.

Please note all Valentines Collection designs are limited to Feb 12-14th availability

Want to know more about our committment to sustainable floristry and how that effects the arrangements we make for delivery? Read here.