Valentine Vivid Sweetheart Bouquet


Important Delivery Information

We're unable to accomodate surprise deliveries as a pre-delivery phone call is required the night before the delivery.

An accurate local phone number for the recipient is required to verify the delivery address and arrange a delivery window.

Read our Delivery Policies

Pre-orders are now open! A classic Blossom & Vine design, our Valentine Vivid Sweetheart Bouquet is a striking blend of romantic blooms in lively soft pinks, bright crimson reds and pops of hot pink throughout. Vivid and romantic, choose from 3 different sizes. 

All bouquets will contain roses, carnations, spray crysanthemums (sorry, no substitutions, unless selecting the cat-safe option) and other seasonal flowers and garden foliage. Bouquets come wrapped in paper and tied with a pastel fabric ribbon. 

Add a specialty card or candle to your order through our Valentine's Gift Collection.
You may add a vase to your order as well.

Specific varieties of flowers will depend on availability but the arrangement will always have the same colour palette and style as pictured. 

Please note all Valentines Collection designs are limited to Feb 12-14th availability.

Want to know more about our committment to sustainable floristry and how that effects the arrangements we make for delivery? Read here.